The creation of this short introduction to a film has been quite a journey for me, since it's been my first film and I had many problems with it. I did enjoy making this film, it was fun, and it was a whole new experience to me. I had shown my CommTech teacher the final draft of the product and he gave his pointers and I got to work. He did tell me that it was really great, and he did like it, but it just needed a few changes that would make it much better. First with the transitions towards the end where the screen went black, he said I should make it fade to black. Also, that all the little titles that popped up, they should have their own fade in and out. He went in depth with the music, how it shouldn't just pop up that it should slowly fade in throughout the whole film and especially towards the end. Another thing I overlooked was how many of the clips at the beginning still had the audio from the clip instead of just the music, so it kind of made it weird. I implem...