editing time!!

 Today was the day I finally started to edit my film. I couldn't wait to use what I learned from watching videos and my peers to create the perfect opening scene. Opening up the software, I was using a website called Clipchamp a free watermark free editing software. Immediately I got to work downloading all the files and video from my phone to the laptop. When I got them on my laptop, I sent them straight to the editing software. I had to make sure the videos lined up where they would be in the film in order so it wouldn't cause any confusion. Once I got them all in, I previewed it and it looks quite nice. I was however missing the music, titles, and the ending. Some bits of the film I had to chop off because it was either the start of the scene and it was a bit janky, or the end where I was speaking out of line. Getting the music on the software was a bit harder since I had to download the music and I wanted to make sure I didn't get a virus from one of those suspicious websites. I finally found a free MP3 converter and it went all smooth from there. Throughout this process it was a bit difficult since my computer wasn't exactly the fastest and it took some time to download all the files necessary. While downloading the files my computer crashed and was a little frustrating, but after some time it worked. While I was editing, I was playing around with the tools to see if I could find anything interesting. Many of the tools were helpful, inserting text fade in for the music, and it was all good. I finally got my music downloaded and then I inserted it into the film. Once put in, I had to fix it up a bit to where the music would start and stop in places that I wanted to like when dialogue was happening. With what I had now, I wanted to test it, so I downloaded it, which took a lot of time and I placed it on YouTube. Once I had it, I had to re-download it to YouTube which took even more time and then it worked. It was able to play quite nicely on YouTube with the music and its edits. Today was just my rough draft. The next time I edit I will work on the more refined details and add in the title slide and ending.



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