Title website research



The assignment I was given is to figure out what my title design will look like. I started to research what opening scenes of movies to get an idea of what I should do, I looked at some of my favorite movies that connect with my genre. Some of the movies include the movie Fury, Mission Impossible, and 007 all had unique opening scenes, but I needed something with more option than the films I could think of. Then after some time passes, I found a website that has everything I need Forget the Film, Watch the Titles! was perfect because it had so many options to choose from. Some of the movies I had never even heard of and seeing the opening sequence made me want to watch them. This website had different opening scenes of many critically acclaimed films and information about the film making my job a little bit easier and being a huge time saver. They have insight on what and how the opening scene who made and what specials. All the small detail of the process of the opening film are all in this website giving me more tools to make a better film. effects While researching I was looking for something that will match the idea I already have for my film, so action war movies or any action movie will give me idea. This site has so much to it, it really helped fill the gap I was missing in an easy way to find good movies opening scenes. 

The second website I found while researching is https://www.artofthetitle.com/ another great website offering more selection of examples of opening scenes. As the last website it gives additional information on even more opening scenes. In addition to the increase in choses the website has given credit to the music, artists, directors, and animation who worked on the scene, along with the studios. The website even goes above and beyond with interviews of the people who made the title sequence and how they can across it. It has each question the interviewer asked and the responds on the question really gave me an inside detail into the process. It gave the creators passed projects and what inspired them to make it and what inspired them to create this project. I chose this site as well because of all the additional scenes and information given to me, also the variety of information. I plan on using this site for my inspiration due to the additional information of background and credits. The creative openings have different styles that I plan on getting my own to my mine unique as well. This website allows me to have more and greater quality of information to help me create a unique and amazing opening.


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