Disaster Struck
Bad news has just reached me today. We would be able to film for most of the weekend and a few days into spring break because of a golf tournament at the golf course where we are filming. The worst part is that it would have been a perfect day being not blazing hot and the forecast stating that no rain will occur. We can't even film after since it progresses from the early morning to before sunset. Our film needed to have nature lighting and be outside. If we were to film, it would have been very difficult to make sure everyone wasn't in the way and make sure no one got lost. The film would have been ruined if we were to film on those days. In addition the hazel of finding a spot and being alone will be impossible. Although the plan for the tournament is that it should end around midweek (Wednesday), but it's not completely set in stone. This set back might make it hard to film since we were all free over the week. They were all usual busy and getting them to free up a weekend will take time. Thankfully, I talked to the other actors about our schedule, and we decided to do it on the weekend after. This may cause problems since the weather doesn't look good so we will have to see. Although it will give me more time to plan the filming to make it smoother. So, as of now filming is cancelled until further notice. Instead, we still went to my house to review the script and issues. The review was to go into detail about what each person was supposed to do and anything extra we needed to add. I thought that since all three of us are in the film that we would need one more person to film us, a cameraman. I would be the one to find another person while the others would rehearse. The time was set to begin rehearing and all we needed was an area alone and in the daytime.
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