Title design research Action

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones? 

 There were 6 titles displayed plus the title at the end of the opening. They included the companies and studios at the beginning. Then the actors in the film were scatter out throughout the scene. To the end of the sequence the title of the movie showed "Dare Devil." 

2. What connotations do the images carry? (How do you they make you feel)

 The images of buildings as the camera shifts and moves around creates a sense of adventure. The nighttime atmosphere makes the viewer feel the sense of not knowing what sin the dark. The lights shifting in and out in a fast-paced way creates a pumped-up feeling.

3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is)

The way the camera moves all over the city like a superhero with the nighttime atmosphere represents a vigilante type movie. The music paired with it also helps in identifying what the genre is. It feels like an action film, especially because the part where they show the title of the movie called '"Dar Devil" it seems like an action movie. Lastly, the effect of the ending title glowing as the music reaches its climax and the superhero's nickname appears.

4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 

By the way the movies feel like an action movie it will appear more towards kids and superhero enthusiasts. The fast-paced movements of the camera would make it more appealing to this audience. Also, the cool effects throughout the entire opening would peak many of these people's interests, to add on the music just makes the scene more appealing.


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