Title design research Action

    1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?
There are only two titles displays plus the title of the movie at the end of the sequence.
The two titles displayed are who produced the movie and who directed the movies and
then the title, "Mission Impossible ll." They put the two most important roles of production
in the director and the producers.

2. What connotations do the images carry? (How do you they make you feel)
The flashing lights and images in the opening make it seem like a fast pace hyper movie.
The Music being rock and roll making seem cool and like an action movie along with the
images making the audience feel a rush. The fast pace of the whole scene creates an excited feeling
the combination of all the factors. Also, at the start of the scene it shows the actor throwing a pair
of sunglasses at the camera as if they are tossing it to you as if including the audience creating a
connection. The effects from the opening of the fuse burning and the 3d pictures creates that
adrenaline feeling.

3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you 
tell what genre the film is)
By the music in the opening its fast-paced rock and roll making it feel like an action movie.
In addition, the fiery effects in the background have the opposite feeling of sadness or a drama
it makes the audience believe it is an action film. The man at the beginning throwing his
glasses at you being of cool and implying that the movie is going to be a ride. Also, the title
at the end tells us that the mission the characters will be on an intense mission. Lastly the
explosion of the text and glasses represents that the film will be action packed.

4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
This film appeals to people who love action films partially boys. The fast pace would appeal
the younger people who what a thrill. The effects of the fire and the explosion make the
younger audience more interested in. Some rock in roll fans would enjoy this because the film
would have the same pace and feeling of their music. People also want to watch a movie
with good looking people doing interesting things while saving the day.


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